Thursday, February 5, 2015

And we're waiting... Baby #3

So it seems like I only ever think about this blog when I am actually in the middle of an episode of prodromal labor....

Let's see.

We've had one extended "serious" bout of prodromal labor at 36 weeks that lasted three days and three nights (Friday night to Sunday afternoon).  I had a lot of signs of early labor, lost part of the mucus plug, body was 'clearing' itself out, etc...  But that fizzed away and left me fairly comfortable for the last few weeks.

I say fairly because those last few weeks of pregnancy hardly ever are that comfortable really!  What has been good though is that I haven't been bothered by any intense contraction episodes.  I have finally learnt to listen to my body and stop before I bring them on.

Things I can't do since 24 weeks:

- Wash dishes
- Vacuum
- Hang washing standing up
- Stay stationary standing up (for long than 5 minutes - no joke)
- Push a grocery cart (the torque will make me cramp up and start contractions almost right away)

Things I can't do now that I'm in prodromal labor:

- Sit on hard chairs
- Stand or walk comfortably
- Any else except lying in bed, or sitting down in bed....

It may sound silly, but in reality, that's what it has taken for me to get through the last six weeks of pregnancy without any trips to the hospital to only be told to go home again, or to get as much sleep each night as I possibly can.

Other random factors I've discovered can bring on prodromal labor:

- Getting too tired
- Getting dehydrated
- Thunder storms!
- Baby in the wrong position (starts up the cramps each and every time)

Right now though, we are in the midst of the waiting game.  My body is sloooooowly but surely warming up to the idea of birthing this baby, and baby is sloooooooowly but surely getting closer and closer to a good position to engage and come out.

I've had two days and nights of continuous cramps and contractions that only bother me when standing up or sitting on hard chairs.  When I sit on something soft or lie down, it fades to just the continual cramping.

I've a had a few contractions that have demanded my concentration and good breathing, and they are coming much more frequently when I stand up now.

I'm gradually getting more and more uncomfortable in even lying down or sitting up in bed now. So I'd say that's my body's way of informing me that I'm 'progressing'.  : )

Really, we could be over a week away from meeting baby yet, but I am praying it will happen this weekend. Just for convenience's sake.

It's really hard to look after two little ones when you are on bed rest!

And yes, the bed rest IS self prescribed, but I remember how long it took Little B to arrive, and I remember vaguely how exhausted I was when it finally happened. I say vaguely because I was that tired I hardly remember anything at all from that week. It's like I've got great big blank spaces where stuff happened but I have no idea what. I do remember the important things though! Like:

This is a marathon.

I need to pace myself.

I can't be expending all my energy dealing with painful contractions when I stand up and move around when I could be experiencing this for up to or over a week to come.

The best thing I can do to prepare for labor at the moment is: nothing.

Rest, sleep, and rest some more.  And keep extremely well hydrated!

